Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Eating, Teething, Standing and Smiling

A friend recently said after seeing Anna, "I think she grew since I saw her two days ago!" Anna is definitely growing like a weed. She loves to eat and thankfully she is not very picky. She does get a little vocal at feeding time. I think she is trying to say "Hurry up Mom. Stop talking to those other kids they can feed themselves. I need my food now!" :) Anna is looking so cute with her 6 little teeth. I think that she is working on 2 more as we speak. She is so easy going she isn't even fussy. She doesn't nurse very well when teething so it is either teeth or maybe she is just wanting to move onto a bottle full time. I think Anna might be a mountain climber some day. She was standing against the couch this afternoon and was trying so hard to climb up. She was holding on so tight, trying to lift her legs that it won't be long til she is climbing onto the furniture. Well that is the latest with Anna. She is in deed a sweet, smiling, wonderful baby. What a gift from God!!

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